A Self-Care Prescription for When We Wake Up With an Emotional Hangover

Anyone else wake up with an emotional hangover this morning?

And maybe a weird pain in your left eye that you can’t quite figure out?

I felt like I was in a fog for the second half of the day yesterday — my morning’s work woes quickly forgotten in their irrelevance and sudden unimportance in light of what was going on in our country.

I longed for real human connection yesterday. An epically long hug would have been perfect, but we’re still living in the middle of a pandemic so that was not an option.

A few friends checked in by text or phone, but my empath heart was feeling our country’s events oh-so-deeply and I just wished for someone to really talk about it with. At length, and with more earnestness than the social media posts we were all sharing.

I didn’t go to sleep as early as I should have, but I did sleep solidly after the emotional exhaustion of the day. This morning, though, I woke up wanting the same thing…deep connection and that impossible-to-get, long-ass hug.

After a few moments of mindfulness lying in bed with my hand on my heart, breathing and meditating, I exhaled and decided extreme self-care would be my focus today.

So if you’re feeling world-weary like me, here’s my personal prescription for self-care…at least for today.

1. Make your bed.

When you can control nothing else, making your bed is one thing that you can not only control, but I guarantee it will make you feel better. I actually find chores like this to be a practice in mindfulness. Folding the top of the duvet over twice. Putting the nine pillows on in their specific order. Folding the fluffy blanket that goes at the foot of the bed. And turning on the fairy lights that hang on the headboard. It’s a soothing process in uncertain times and is one of my favorite things I do at the beginning of my day. Even if you feel like you might have to crawl back in later.

2. Brush your teeth twice as long as you normally do.

Another moment of mindfulness. I love brushing my teeth. I used to drive the last guy I dated crazy because I would walk around the house while doing it instead of staying in the bathroom over the sink. Sometimes, I walk around with purpose, opening window blinds or turning on lights. Other times, I just pace in circles. But sometimes, I just sit in my favorite position on the edge of the bed, feet up on the bedframe, resting my arms on my knees. Being present in the moment and simply focusing on cleaning my teeth.

3. Have a pajama day.

This is one of my favorite ways to practice self-care. As many of us are doing during this pandemic, I work from home. But I don’t wear yoga pants or sweats as often as one might think. I feel more ready for the day when I dress in real clothes, but that usually just means my favorite pair of comfy ripped jeans. But today is a pajama day, no question.

4. Wear fluffy socks and furry blankets.

Find the biggest, fluffiest pair of socks you have and the warmest, furriest blanket. Put the socks on your feet and the blanket in your lap like a protective shield. The fluffier and furrier, the more soul-soothing you will feel.

5. Sip chamomile or peppermint tea.

I am usually a one-cup-of-coffee person. And I still started my morning with it this morning. But when I need an extra dose of self-care, it means chamomile tea to give me peace, or peppermint tea to lift my spirits. Or even Earl Grey if you can’t find the ever-loving chamomile or peppermint anywhere in your super-organized kitchen. Tea works. Every time.

6. Make some toast.

I’m pretty sure there’s no better comfort food than toast. The simplicity of it is the best part. Or maybe the massive amounts of butter slathered on top. Either way, a few slices of toast with your tea can make any day feel better.

7. Turn on the fireplace and light the candles.

It’s gloomy in Colorado today, which doesn’t happen often. But it’s the perfect day to make sure there’s a fire in the fireplace and candles burning right next to me.

8. Turn off the news and turn on your favorite music.

Like many of us, I was glued to the news yesterday. Today, I need it off and I need my imaginary boyfriend to serenade me with all my favorite Coldplay songs. But first, a little peace and quiet.

9. Make as few decisions as possible.

Of course, with work there are some decisions that have to be made. But whenever possible, delegate or empower those around you to make any decisions they can on their own. When our souls are tired, it’s one of the best things we can do for ourselves.

10. Treat yourself.

In lieu of a hug, a massage always sounds amazing. People who are hands-on healers are so gifted, but pandemics are taking their toll there, as well. So the only reason I might get dressed today is for a mani/pedi. Feet in warm water, sitting in a massage chair, and coming home with cute fingernails and toenails can always lift my spirits. Sometimes, it’s the little things that help.

11. Put yourself first.

This one can be hard for some of us. I always want to make sure my loved ones are okay, so I try and reach out as much as possible. But this morning, I turned my phone off as I sat down to write so I could give myself the gift of quiet and do what I often need to do when feeling the feels…write. It feels a little panicky at first, turning off your phone. (Especially when you have kids.) But I knew it was what I needed, even if only for an hour or so.

It occurred to me as I was writing this that it sounds like a prescription for a sick da y— aside from heading out later for a mani/pedi. And in fact, maybe that’s what it is.

My heart feels heavy today. And my soul feels sick.

There is hope only a few weeks away…and thank goodness for that. That the nightmare that has been these last four or five years will soon finally be over. I’m so grateful to feel that hope again.

But in the meantime — just for today — this is how I need to take care of me. What about you, love? How will you take care of you today?