This is what I love about the Universe.
You can be crazy busy even when you hate busy.
But you know you have to do All The Things.
Because you want to see your son play football.
And you want your daughter to audition for another dance thing.
And you already bought the tickets to the Mother-Son dance.
But then.
The Universe steps in.
And sees you.
Really sees you.
And your need to slow down.
And that you absolutely will not.
And the Universe runs its hand gently down your hair.
And lovingly cups your cheek in one hand.
And says, "I've got this, sweet one."
And you wake up to hear that sound in your son's throat.
And you feel the gut feeling that you need to take him to the doctor.
And after a quick diagnosis of strep throat and an even quicker run to the pharmacy...
You slow down.
You get your son a smoothie or two to soothe his throat.
You take a shower in the middle of the afternoon and watch a favorite show while you're putting on your makeup.
And you cuddle with your boy.
Because the Universe always knows best.
And will make it happen if you're not listening.
Especially if you're the type to say, "You're not the boss of me."
But the Universe most definitely is the boss of me.
And thank goodness for that.