KKK — Writing — Christy Williams


Brené Brown defines “White Privilege” for us—& it’s the Best Explanation I’ve Heard.

Brené Brown defines “White Privilege” for us—& it’s the Best Explanation I’ve Heard.

White privilege is a phrase that has been added to my vernacular seemingly overnight.

But I am the first to admit that I have been on the fringe of what has been going on in our country. Not to mention the overt and ongoing racism that so many of my fellow Americans—my fellow human beings—face on a daily basis.

I live in a small town that is sorely lacking in diversity. We chose to live here simply because it reminded me of the small towns in New England where I grew up.

A Powerful Video from Charlottesville about Hate—& 10 Ways we can Fight It.

A Powerful Video from Charlottesville about Hate—& 10 Ways we can Fight It.

I will not look away anymore.

After the violent white supremacists’ rally in Charlottesville this past weekend, that’s what I told myself. I will not look away anymore.

So when I came across this video online today, I forced myself watch it. I want to educate myself. I don’t want to use my ignorance as an excuse for not speaking out anymore.

I’m not going to lie…I wanted to turn it off almost as soon as I started watching. I started asking myself questions to justify looking away.

My Deafening Silence in the Face of Hate.

My Deafening Silence in the Face of Hate.

I am sick to my stomach.

Or, maybe it’s heartsick.

Either way, I have been feeling nauseated all day.

By all the hate.

Out there in the open.

Where, perhaps it always was, but I didn’t see. Maybe I chose not to see.