career change

Here’s the Permission Slip we Need to Find our Soul Work.

Here’s the Permission Slip we Need to Find our Soul Work.

Imagine we were sitting down together over a cup of coffee right now.

You were complaining about your job and feeling frustrated that you know it’s not right for you, and that you’re just not happy there anymore. (If you ever were.)

And I asked you, “What is your soul work?”

What would you say?

Would you immediately jump to the standard answer of, “Oh, I don’t know…” without even thinking about it? Without even blinking?

Soul Project: Saving my Self with Soul Work.

Soul Project: Saving my Self with Soul Work.

Have you ever thought about jumping off the corporate ladder and taking a leap of faith?

Do you dream about it all day, every day? Or never, because you love your job and all it provides? Or something in between, like only on Mondays or the bad days?

If you do dream about it, what will it take for you to finally make that leap?

Well, I finally found out what it took for me:

I Spent Nine Years in a Career that Bored Me.

I Spent Nine Years in a Career that Bored Me.

Nine years.

Nine. Years.

I spent nine years in a career that bored me.

It hurts to even say that.

I had no idea that I could be so good at something and not actually love doing it.